Migrating My Apps

I've been having problems with my Pi4 freezing up because of the Home Assistant install. There are all sorts of reasons why Home Assistant would lock up the Pi. Resulting in my DNS and DHCP server via Pi-hole and VPN via PiVPN to go down (not good).

This way of running Home Assistant will require the most of you. It also has strict requirements you need to follow.

Unless you really need this installation type, you should install Home Assistant OS (this can also be a link), or link.

As you can see from the warning, It was dead on. Honestly, the struggles of keeping Home Assistant updated has really exercised my Linux knowledge but my Home Assistant has grown and requires more and I'm getting tired of fighting the errors. Plus, not loosing DNS and DHCP from Pi-hole and remote access via PiVPN when Home Assistant acts up will be a nice weight off my shoulders.

It's time to move to Home Assistant Operating System aka Hass.os

Backup apps and OS

currently my Pi4 runs


Restore configs



On Linux, copy the config from the Raspberry Pi to a target directory on your local machine:
sudo cp backupconfigs/whatever.conf ~/configs/whatever.conf


Home Assistant

New Pi4 2gb
